Photoshop CS5 Essential-Viewing final choices in a slideshow

Viewing final choices in a slideshow.

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Once you've taken the time to narrow down your range of images to just your keepers, or your selects, you may want to actually sit back and actually have a little presentation of those keepers, a slideshow if you will. You may want to either show it to yourself or maybe you're doing a web meeting and you're sharing your screen and you want to playback your selects in an interactive little slideshow for your client or your friend or your family or whatever. So how do you go about doing that? Well, it's pretty simple. Let's use our Filter panel to filter our current set of images here down just to our keepers: the five-star rated images.

So we'll go to our Ratings section in the Filter panel and we'll click on the five-star rating category there, and there are our keepers. So let's view this in a full screen slideshow. Under the View menu, there is the Slideshow command. That's also Command+L, Ctrl+L on Windows, if you don't want to use the View menu. This puts you on a Full Screen mode. And the first thing we're going to do is we're going to press our Spacebar just to pause the slideshow. If we press the Spacebar again, it'll automatically advance after a certain period of time. It'll do a little fade into the next image and just kind of run itself.

If you want to pause it, again like I said, hold down the Spacebar. There are a lot of other things you can actually do during the slideshow. And if you ever forget what they are, there's kind of this built-in on-screen help system. Just press the letter H for help. That's really the only keyboard shortcut you need to remember in the Slideshow mode, because if you press the letter H, everything else is explained to you about what you can do and what the letters are, or what the keyboard shortcuts are, to take that action. So you can see Pause, Play, is referenced there for Space.

You can even zoom in and out while the slideshow is running by using plus and minus. You can exit by hitting the Escape key and so on and so on. So we won't run through all of them, but you can there are quite a few options there. To make this help go away, just press any key that it's telling you, you can do. So if I hit the Spacebar to resume the slideshow that on- screen help will go away and the slideshow will continue to play. There you see it fading to the next image. If you ever want to exit the slideshow, at any time, again just press the Escape key, and that will end the slideshow and take you back to your current view, with the last item in the slideshow selected in the Content panel.
