
Google Analytic Ess-Goodbye

Google Analytic Ess-Creating and customizing dashboards

Google Analytic Ess-Creating custom intelligence alerts

Google Analytic Ess-Using intelligence alerts to flag important events

Google Analytic Ess-Real-time data for time-sensitive analysis

Google Analytic Ess-Using goal flow to find detailed insights

Google Analytic Ess-Identifying value through E-commerce reports

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding funnel visualization

Google Analytic Ess-Configuring goal

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding the Goal reports

Google Analytic Ess-Configuring Site Search

Google Analytic Ess-Using the Site Search Pages report to understand how users search

Google Analytic Ess-Analyzing the Search Terms and Search Term Refinement reports

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding the Site Search and Usage report

Google Analytic Ess-Identifying slow-performing pages with the Site Speed report

Google Analytic Ess-Measuring the importance of top landing and top exit pages

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding when to use content drilldown

Google Analytic Ess-Sorting top content according to page title

Google Analytic Ess-Analyzing top content by metrics and the navigation summary

Google Analytic Ess-Finding data in a Campaign report

Google Analytic Ess-Tracking offline campaigns

Google Analytic Ess-Planning, creating, and logging a tracking strategy

Google Analytic Ess-Introducing campaign tracking

Google Analytic Ess-Viewing search engine reports (overview, organic, and paid)

Google Analytic Ess-Identifying users who were referred to your site

Google Analytic Ess-Identifying direct traffic

Google Analytic Ess-Analyzing the All Traffic Sources report

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding where site visitors come from

Google Analytic Ess-Keyword positions

Google Analytic Ess-Identifying the best placement options for ads

Google Analytic Ess-Using the Destination URL report to identify landing pages

Google Analytic Ess-Optimizing traffic by time of day

Google Analytic Ess-Fine-tuning your match type with the Matched Search Queries report

Google Analytic Ess-Using keyword reports

Google Analytic Ess-Identifying campaigns and segmentation options

Google Analytic Ess-Linking an AdWords account to Google Analytics

Google Analytic Ess-Using flow visualization to see common paths

Google Analytic Ess-Analyzing data from mobile browsers

Google Analytic Ess-Sorting data by browser capabilities

Google Analytic Ess-Comparing data according to visits, visitors, and page views

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding visitor loyalty vs recency

Google Analytic Ess-Differentiating new users from returning users

Google Analytic Ess-Using language identification to segment users

Google Analytic Ess-Analyzing location data

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding who is visiting a site

Google Analytic Ess-Emailing reports

Google Analytic Ess-Managing user accounts and profiles

Google Analytic Ess-Why share data

Google Analytic Ess-Slicing data with dimensions

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding the importance of segmentation in data analysis

Google Analytic Ess-Sorting data with inline and advanced filters

Google Analytic Ess-Navigating data with site usage, goals, and e-commerce metrics

Google Analytic Ess-Viewing data in different formats (overview, tabular, pie, bar, compare to site)

Google Analytic Ess-Using the help tools

Google Analytic Ess-Using annotations to make notes in data

Google Analytic Ess-Selecting and comparing date ranges

Google Analytic Ess-Navigating the reports and the Data Over Time chart

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding accounts and profile administration

Google Analytic Ess-Installing tracking code on a site

Google Analytic Ess-Setting up an account

Google Analytic Ess-How does Google Analytics work

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding trends and context

Google Analytic Ess-Introducing segments

Google Analytic Ess-Understanding data Averages, segments, trends and context

Google Analtyic Ess-Defining goals and conversions Why do you have a web site

Google Analytic Ess - Web analytics A tool and a process

Google Analytic Ess - The pitfalls of hit counting and turning data into information

Google Analytic Ess - What's new in this update

Google Analytic Ess - How to get the most from this course